Hepatitis C is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). This study looks at how safe it is for pregnant women to take new medicines called direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) to treat HCV. Normally, these medicines work well for people who aren't pregnant, but we don't know much about what happens when pregnant women use them. The main goal is to see if these medicines can help prevent the virus from passing from mother to baby without causing problems. Doctors and hospitals around the world will share information about mothers and babies who used these medicines while pregnant. The study will look at things like how many mothers and babies have problems during pregnancy or birth. This information will help doctors decide if it's safe to treat pregnant women with HCV using DAAs.
- The study is observational, meaning no new treatment is given.
- Information is collected from existing medical records at different health facilities.
- Participation might help improve future HCV treatments during pregnancy.