BLOCK-SAH is a study to test how well a special type of injection helps with headaches after a brain bleed called subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). SAH is bleeding in the space around the brain, usually from a burst blood vessel. The study uses two kinds of injections: one with medicine (ropivacaine and dexamethasone) and one with a saltwater solution (placebo). Neither the doctors nor the participants will know which injection they receive. The study will check how well the injections work by measuring blood flow in the brain with a test called transcranial Doppler (TCD).
- Participants must stay in the study for a specific time and follow study rules.
- Participants need to have had a brain bleed from an aneurysm and meet other health requirements.
- The study will involve injections and monitoring, with no cost to participants.
Before joining, make sure you meet the requirements, like being able to communicate pain levels and having no serious health issues that could affect results. Discuss with your doctor to ensure it's safe to participate.