Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that affects memory and thinking. This study is testing a new medicine called PMN310 to see if it's safe and works for people with early Alzheimer's. The study will give patients the medicine through a drip into a vein (IV infusion). This is called a Phase 1b study, which means it is one of the first times the drug is tested in humans. The study will give patients one of three doses of PMN310, or a placebo (a harmless substance that looks like the medicine), once every 28 days, for a total of 12 times. The study is double-blind, so neither the patients nor the doctors know who gets PMN310 or placebo to ensure fairness.
- Study length: About 12 months (12 infusions, each 28 days apart).
- Participants get a placebo or PMN310, which could help with symptoms.
- Risks include side effects from PMN310 or from IV infusions.