Study Overview: This research study is testing a new treatment called MM120 for people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). GAD is a condition where a person worries a lot about many things, and it affects their daily life. The study will compare MM120 with a placebo, which is a harmless pill that doesn't have any medicine in it. The study will last for about 52 weeks (1 year), with the first 12 weeks being a comparison between MM120 and the placebo. After that, there will be a 40-week period where everyone might get MM120 to see how it works over a longer time.
Eligibility: To join, you must be between 18 and 74 years old and have a confirmed diagnosis of GAD, with a minimum score of 20 on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), a tool used to measure anxiety levels.
Key Points:
- The study lasts 52 weeks, with some participants receiving MM120 and others receiving a placebo.
- You will need to visit the study site regularly for evaluations and monitoring.
- Participants will be evaluated for symptoms and safety to determine if they should continue with MM120.
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