This study is for adults with a specific type of kidney disease known as APOL1 Kidney Disease. The goal is to check if a new drug, MZE829, is safe and effective for these patients.
In this study, researchers want to see how MZE829 affects a condition called albuminuria, which is when there is too much protein in your urine, a sign of kidney problems. The study is "open-label," which means both doctors and participants know they are getting MZE829. To join, you must have a high-risk APOL1 genotype, which is a specific genetic makeup, and ongoing kidney disease with albuminuria. You cannot join if you've had an organ transplant, recent cancer, certain surgeries, or if you are pregnant.
Key Points:
- Participants will receive MZE829 and will be monitored for safety and effects on kidney function.
- You must have a specific genetic makeup and kidney disease to qualify.
- Certain health conditions and recent surgeries might exclude you from participating.