Found 1,913 clinical trials
Casting vs Bracing for Idiopathic Early-Onset Scoliosis
Comparison of casting and bracing for the treatment of idiopathic early onset scoliosis
Methylprednisolone Taper After Total Knee Replacement
Total knee replacement surgery is a commonly performed and widely successful surgery to improve mobility and decrease pain in patients suffering from severe knee arthritis. However, in the immediate period after knee replacement, patients often experience significant pain and nausea, which can limit early recovery after surgery. Glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory …
A Study of the Safety and Tolerability of ASP7317 in Senior Adults Who Are Losing Their Clear, Sharp Central Vision Due to Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease which causes people to lose their sharp central vision over time. Aging damages the macula, which is in the middle of the retina - the light-sensitive part at the back of the eye. There are 2 types of AMD - wet AMD …
RGX-314 Gene Therapy Administered in the Suprachoroidal Space for Participants With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (nAMD) (AAVIATE)
RGX-314 is being developed as a potential novel one-time gene therapy treatment for the treatment of neovascular (wet) age related macular degeneration (wet AMD). Wet AMD is characterized by loss of vision due to new, leaky blood vessel formation in the retina. Wet AMD is a significant cause of vision …
Study of Tilpisertib Fosmecarbil in Participants With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis
The goal of this study is to learn if tilpisertib fosmecarbil (formerly known as GS-5290) is effective and safe in treating participants with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. The study will compare participants in different treatment groups treated with tilpisertib fosmecarbil with participants treated with placebo. The primary objective of …
Evaluation of SPH3127 in Patients With Mild-to-Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
SPH3127-US-01 is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary efficacy of SPH3127 for the treatment of mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis.
A Randomized Study of BPN14770 in Male Adolescents (Aged 9 to < 18 Years) With Fragile X Syndrome
This is a 2-part study, with each part having a unique set of objectives for male adolescents aged 9 to < 18 years with fragile X syndrome (FXS). Part 1 is an open-label, single-dose, pharmacokinetics (PK) assessment of BPN14770 25 mg and 50 mg, while Part 2 is double-blind (DB) …
Paravertebral Nerve Blocks in Neonates
This study is a prospective, randomized, non-blinded clinical trial examining the use of paravertebral peripheral nerve block in the neonatal and infant populations. The primary aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of studying whether a single-shot paravertebral nerve block is effective in providing intraoperative and postoperative pain …
M6®-C Artificial Cervical Disc Two-Level IDE Pivotal Study
Prospective, concurrently controlled, multi-center study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Spinal Kinetics M6-C™ artificial cervical disc compared to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) for the treatment of contiguous two-level symptomatic cervical radiculopathy at vertebral levels from C3 to C7 with or without spinal cord compression.
Durability of Vaccine Responses
The ability of the vaccines today to generate a long-lasting protection against infections varies greatly from one vaccine to another. The yellow fever vaccine (YF-17D) is one of the most successful vaccines ever developed, having been administered to over 600 million people globally. A single vaccination is known to induce …