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Found 1,913 clinical trials

Diagnostic Performance of Small RNA Blood Test in Patients Undergoing Follow-up Imaging After Positive Low Dose CT Screening for Cancer of the Lung

2,000 individuals, aged 50-80 who have received a lung-RADS category 3 or 4 result on a LDCT screening study and who are scheduled for follow-up diagnostic imaging study, biopsy, clinical consultation or surgical appointment at one of the participating hospitals.

50-80 years
Phase N/A

The Parkinson's Genetic Research Study

The Parkinson's Genetic Research Study (PaGeR), headed by Dr. Cyrus Zabetian, is searching for genes that increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease (PD) and related disorders. The study is a joint effort by neurologists and researchers across the United States and is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. …

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Study of the Long-Term Safety and Outcomes of Treating Pulmonary Embolism With the Indigo Aspiration System

The objective of this study is to evaluate real world long-term functional outcomes, safety and performance of the Indigo Aspiration System for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE).

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry

This international multi-center registry is used to collect existing information and outcomes for patients undergoing an operation for treatment of injuries to the brain including the blockage of blood flow to an area of the brain, an abnormal ballooning of an artery, abnormal tangling of blood vessels, abnormal formation of …

1-120 years
Phase N/A

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in Children

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare liver disease that damages the liver's bile ducts. Bile ducts are tiny tubes that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. Bile is a liquid produced by the liver that helps us absorb and use the nutrients in the food we …

2-25 years
Phase N/A

Spine Procedures Assisted with RoboTics and Navigation

Creation of a pediatric robotic spine surgery registry will allow for data collection and analysis on the coupled use of robotics and navigation, as well as patient-specific rods in pediatric spine deformity surgery across participating study institutions. Eventually, an educational and informative framework for this technology will be established.

21 years and younger
Phase N/A

Mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) Registry

The Mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I) Registry is an ongoing, observational database that tracks the outcomes of patients with MPS I. The data collected by the MPS I Registry will provide information to better characterize the natural history and progression of MPS I as well as the clinical responses of patients …

Phase N/A


GEMINI NSCLC Study is a non-interventional study that will be collecting clinical and molecular health information from patients with NSCLC who will receive longitudinal blood collection in addition to their standard of care therapy and disease surveillance with the goals of identifying the molecular evolution of lung cancer with standard …

18 years and older
Phase N/A

PRospective rEgistry OF Advanced Stage cancER (PREFER) Patients to Assess Prevalence of Actionable Biomarkers and Driver Mutations to Address Disparities in Precision Medicine

The objective of this Study is to collect, process, and transfer biologic samples such as blood and/or tissue biopsies to determine the concordance of detected alterations obtained through liquid biopsy analyses compared to next generation sequencing of time-matched or archival tissue specimens from individuals with advanced solid tumors. Examples of …

18 years and older
Phase N/A

The Myelin Disorders Biorepository Project

The Myelin Disorders Biorepository Project (MDBP) seeks to collect and analyze clinical data and biological samples from leukodystrophy patients worldwide to support ongoing and future research projects. The MDBP is one of the world's largest leukodystrophy biorepositories, having enrolled nearly 2,000 affected individuals since it was launched over a decade …

Phase N/A

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