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Found 1,924 clinical trials

CERENOVUS Neurothrombectomy Devices Registry

A post-market registry evaluating the EmboTrap® Revascularization Device, CERENOVUS Large Bore Catheter/ EMBOVAC™ Aspiration Catheter, and CEREGLIDE 71 Intermediate Catheter in acute ischemic stroke patients with confirmed intracranial vessel occlusion.

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Development and Validation of Harbinger Health Test for Early Cancer Detection

This is a prospective, multi-center, observational study with a collection of biospecimens and clinical data from approximately 10,000 participants from up to 125 clinical network sites and locations in the United States. The objective of this study is to collect blood samples, tissue samples, and associated clinical data from participants …

20-79 years
Phase N/A

Characterization of 3q29 Deletion Syndrome and 3q29 Duplication Syndrome

The 3q29 deletion syndrome is caused by a deletion of a small part of human chromosome 3, and the duplication syndrome is caused by a duplication of this same small region. The purpose of this study is to understand the medical and behavioral consequences of these syndromes.

Phase N/A

Post Approval Study (PAS) of the OPTIMIZER Smart and CCM Therapy

The OPTIMIZER Smart Post-Approval Study is a prospective, multi-center, non-randomized, single arm open label study of 620 subjects receiving an OPTIMIZER implant as standard of care. Patients to be included will have NYHA functional class III symptoms and a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25-45%

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Blue Light Cystoscopy With Cysview® Registry

Registry study to gather more information on the current use of Blue Light Cystoscopy with Cysview (BLCC) in urologists' practices.

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Diagnostic Performance of Small RNA Blood Test in Patients Undergoing Follow-up Imaging After Positive Low Dose CT Screening for Cancer of the Lung

2,000 individuals, aged 50-80 who have received a lung-RADS category 3 or 4 result on a LDCT screening study and who are scheduled for follow-up diagnostic imaging study, biopsy, clinical consultation or surgical appointment at one of the participating hospitals.

50-80 years
Phase N/A

The Parkinson's Genetic Research Study

The Parkinson's Genetic Research Study (PaGeR), headed by Dr. Cyrus Zabetian, is searching for genes that increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease (PD) and related disorders. The study is a joint effort by neurologists and researchers across the United States and is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. …

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Study of the Long-Term Safety and Outcomes of Treating Pulmonary Embolism With the Indigo Aspiration System

The objective of this study is to evaluate real world long-term functional outcomes, safety and performance of the Indigo Aspiration System for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE).

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry

This international multi-center registry is used to collect existing information and outcomes for patients undergoing an operation for treatment of injuries to the brain including the blockage of blood flow to an area of the brain, an abnormal ballooning of an artery, abnormal tangling of blood vessels, abnormal formation of …

1-120 years
Phase N/A

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in Children

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare liver disease that damages the liver's bile ducts. Bile ducts are tiny tubes that carry bile from the liver to the small intestine. Bile is a liquid produced by the liver that helps us absorb and use the nutrients in the food we …

2-25 years
Phase N/A

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