Found 1,913 clinical trials
Development and Testing of a Pediatric Cervical Spine Injury Risk Assessment Tool
Cervical spine injuries (CSI) are serious, but rare events in children. Spinal precautions (rigid cervical collar and immobilization on a longboard) in the prehospital setting may be beneficial for children with CSI, but are poorly studied. In contrast, spinal precautions for pediatric trauma patients without CSI are common and may …
Neuroblastoma Biology Study
Medical scientists want to find better ways to treat neuroblastoma and to find ways to prevent the tumor from growing back. To do this, they need more information about the characteristics of neuroblastoma cells. Therefore, they want to study samples of neuroblastoma tissues and neuroblastoma and normal cells in the …
Measuring Surgical Recovery After Radical Cystectomy
The intent of this study is to establish a registry of post-surgical outcomes in patients undergoing radical cystectomy at MD Anderson Cancer Center and the collaborating institutions. The goals of this initiative are to obtain a detailed baseline of multiple patient-reported outcomes (PRO) and clinician-reported outcomes (CRO) as well as …
Prostate Active Surveillance Study
The Prostate Active Surveillance Study (PASS) is a research study for men who have chosen active surveillance as a management plan for their prostate cancer. Active surveillance is defined as close monitoring of prostate cancer with the offer of treatment if there are changes in test results. This study seeks …
Validation of a Salivary miRNA Diagnostic Test for ASD
This study involves sample collection to identify biomarkers relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) in the saliva of children who are between the ages of 18 months to 6 years and 11 months. Participants will at each timepoint have a non-invasive saliva swab collected and complete a brief demographic and medical …
Collection of Tissue Samples for Cancer Research
Background -Patients who are being evaluated and/or treated at the NIH Clinical Center and adult patients at participating sites will be entered onto this tissue procurement protocol for collection of tissue specimens. Objectives To obtain samples from adult and pediatric patients for research purposes from tests and procedures that are …
AMP SCZ® Observational Study: PREDICT-DPACC
The Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ) is a large international collaboration to develop algorithms using a set of clinical and cognitive assessments, multi-modal biomarkers, and clinical endpoints that can be used to predict the trajectories and outcomes of individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis and to advance …
The Pediatric Anesthesia Quality Improvement Project
The Study is designed to collect information about adverse events that occur in children undergoing anesthesia in participating hospitals. Demographic information will be collected on all anesthetics. An analysis of each adverse event will be performed and entered into the database. From this information we will devise strategies to prevent …
Observational Evaluation of Atopic Dermatitis in Pediatric Patients
Primary Objectives: To describe the characteristics of pediatric patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (AD) whose disease is not adequately controlled with topical therapies or when those therapies are not medically advisable. To evaluate the time-course of AD and selected atopic comorbidities. Secondary Objectives: To characterize disease burden and …
Cerebral Hemorrhage Risk in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
This study is one of the three projects of an NIH Rare Disease Clinical Research Consortium. A "consortium" is a group of centres sharing information and resources to perform research. The consortium research focuses on brain blood vessel malformations in three different rare diseases. The focus of this specific study …