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Found 1,913 clinical trials

Comparison of Growth and Tolerance of Healthy Term Infants Fed Iron-Fortified Infant Formulas

A 4 month growth monitoring study of healthy term infants fed iron fortified infant formula. Infants will be fed ad-libitum for 16 weeks and growth will be evaluated in terms of weight gain over the 16 weeks.

1-14 years
Phase 3

REVEAL Biomarkers of Engraftment After Alternative Donor HSCT

The purpose of this study is to find new tests that could help determine if the newly infused bone marrow cells are growing well after bone marrow transplantation or if new bone marrow cells are needed. The Investigator will use FLT imaging, an investigational imaging test, and collect blood samples …

4-80 years
Phase 1

RE104 Safety and Efficacy Study in Postpartum Depression

The purpose of this study is to determine if treatment with a single dose of RE104 for Injection reduces depressive symptoms in participants with moderate-to-severe postpartum depression (PPD) as compared to active-placebo.

18-45 years
Phase 2

A Clinical Study That Will Measure How Well SEP-363856 Works and How Safe it is in Adults With Generalized Anxiety Disorder

A clinical study that will meaure how well SEP-363856 works and how safe it is in adults with Generalized Anixety Disorder. This study will be accepting both male and female subjects between the ages of 18 years and 65 years old. The study will be held in Approximately 50 global …

18-65 years
Phase 2/3

Mechanistic Interventions and Neuroscience of Dissociation

The purpose of this study is to test the neurophysiological mechanisms of an intervention to reduce symptoms of dissociation in traumatized people. The intervention will be tested in dissociative traumatized people at two sites: Emory University and University of Pittsburgh. The researchers are interested in whether neural networks associated with …

18-65 years
Phase N/A

Randomized Study of the pdSTIM™ System (Phrenic Nerve to Diaphragm STIMulation) in Failure to Wean Mechanically Ventilated Patients

This prospective, multi-center, randomized, controlled clinical trial is being conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the pdSTIM System to facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation through phrenic nerve stimulation. Potential subjects who are on mechanical ventilation for at least four days and have failed at least one weaning attempt …

18 years and older
Phase N/A

Perioperative Steroid Dosing on the APR in AIS

The objective of this study is to perform a prospective, randomized controlled trial investigating the clinical usage of perioperative dexamethasone usage on APR activation, postoperative morphine usage, postoperative nausea, and hospital length of stay. There will be a control control and a Dexamethasone cohort. Participants will be randomized into one …

10-18 years
Phase 4

Subcutaneous Abatacept in Renal Transplant Recipients

After a kidney transplant, patients take drugs called anti-rejection drugs (immunosuppressives) to prevent their bodies from rejecting the new kidney. At present it is not possible to have a successful transplant without these drugs. These drugs make it possible for a person who receives the transplant to accept the "foreign" …

18-70 years
Phase 1

Biologic Abatement and Capturing Kids' Outcomes and Flare Frequency in Juvenile Spondyloarthritis

This randomized pragmatic trial will generate knowledge about strategies used to de-escalate tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) therapy in patients with juvenile spondyloarthritis with sustained inactive disease and are treated at one of the 29 participating pediatric healthcare systems. This open label study will be conducted in the setting of …

8-21 years
Phase N/A

A Study of a N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) Analog (CYB004) in Participants with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

The purpose of this proof-of-concept trial is to examine the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics (PK), and preliminary clinical efficacy of CYB004 participants with GAD.

18-65 years
Phase 2

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