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Found 1,942 clinical trials

Early Parkinson's Disease Monotherapy With CVN424

This is a multicenter, 12-week, placebo-controlled clinical trial of CVN424 150 milligrams (mg) tablets in early, untreated Parkinson's Disease (PD). Participants will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to CVN424 150 mg or placebo at the Baseline Visit. The purpose of this study is to measure effect on motor features …

30 years and older
Phase 2

A Research Study Looking at Long-term Treatment With Mim8 in People With Haemophilia A (FRONTIER 4)

This study is looking at how Mim8 works in people with haemophilia A, who either have inhibitors or do not have inhibitors. Mim8 is a new medicine that will be used to avoid bleeding episodes. Mim8 works by replacing the function of the missing clotting factor VIII (FVIII). When and …

1 years and older
Phase 3

Dopaminergic Therapy for Anhedonia - 2

The purpose of this 8-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, study is to explore new treatment options for people with depression who have high inflammation and anhedonia. Seventy male and female participants with depression, between 25-55 years of age, with higher levels of inflammation and anhedonia will be randomized to receive L-DOPA or …

25-55 years
Phase 4

Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trial: An Opportunity to Prevent Dementia. A Study of Potential Disease Modifying Treatments in Individuals at Risk for or With a Type of Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease Caused by a Genetic Mutation. Master Protocol DIAN-TU-001

The purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, biomarker, cognitive and clinical efficacy of investigational products in participants with an Alzheimer's disease-causing mutation by determining if treatment with the study drug slows the rate of progression of cognitive/clinical impairment or improves disease-related biomarkers.

18-80 years
Phase 2/3

A Study to Evaluate Sacituzumab Tirumotecan (MK-2870) in Advanced/Metastatic Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma (MK-2870-015)

This study will compare how safe and effective sacituzumab tirumotecan is versus the treatment of physician's choice (TPC) in participants with advanced/metastatic gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. The primary hypothesis of this study is sacituzumab tirumotecan is superior to TPC with respect to Overall Survival (OS).

18 years and older
Phase 3

A Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Two-arm, Multiple Dose, Multicenter, Bioequivalence Study With Clinical Endpoint in the Treatment of Subjects With Chronic Open-angle Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension in Both Eyes

A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, two-arm, multiple dose, multicenter, clinical endpoint bioequivalence study

18 years and older
Phase 1

A Phase 2, Dose Ranging Study Assessing Rocatinlimab in Moderate-to-severe Asthma

The primary objective of this study is to describe the efficacy of rocatinlimab in reducing asthma exacerbations.

18-75 years
Phase 2

A Study of EDG-5506 in Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (LYNX)

The LYNX study is a 2-part, multicenter, Phase 2 study of safety, pharmacokinetics and biomarkers in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy including a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled part A, followed by an open-label part B.

4-9 years
Phase 2

Efficacy of Daromun Neoadjuvant Intratumoral Treatment in Clinical Stage IIIB/C Melanoma Patients

The trial aims to evaluate the efficacy of Daromun neoadjuvant treatment followed by surgery and adjuvant therapy to improve in a statistically significant manner the recurrence-free survival (RFS) of Stage IIIB/C melanoma patients with respect to the standard of care (surgery and adjuvant therapy).

18 years and older
Phase 3

Treatment Free Remission After Combination Therapy With Ruxolitinib Plus Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

The purpose of this study is to determine if adding Ruxolitinib to a Tyrone Kinase Inhibitor (TKI), prior to a second attempt at stopping a TKI will lead to prolonged treatment free remission (TFR).

18 years and older
Phase 2

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